Friday, February 15, 2008

International Childhood Cancer Awarness Day

Today is International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day. If you have ever been close to a child who is dealing with cancer then you already know the roller coaster of blessings and heartache that are involved for the entire family.

I am close with a family who have a 4 year old boy named CJ who has been dealing with
neuroblastoma for the last 14 months. Watching him lean into (for the most part) each phase of treatment has been a real inspiration for me. This family has grown closer as they have lovingly cared for CJ. There have been moments of amazing sweetness and rejoicing and there have also been heartaches and unbelievable anguish. CJ is still undergoing treatment and we are filled with hope for him.

I invite you to do whatever you can for children who are dealing with cancer: Visit, pray, encourage, provide respite assistance for parents, send money for research to some place like St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital or Children's Hospital of Michigan. Above and beyond all else, will you keep your heart open to the people around you?

This too is part of My Heart's Journey!

In Love,


(c) 2008 by Richard L. Beattie

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