As I prepare the class outline, I notice how many of the questions in the book take me directly to the process of inquiry known as The Work of Byron Katie. I notice the many stories I have created or adopted (from other folk) about my body and my weight. Who am I without the stories?
My ego is screaming at me, "I can't believe you dumped it all out in public during a sermon. Why are you doing this to us? Don't you see that everyone knows now. They are all laughing at us now. Who do you think you are? You are not smart/serious/grown up/ enough to pull this off. How will you explain it away when you fail miserably? How are you going to lead a group of people into a place you have only visited, and never for very long?" My ego is trying to drag me into The Hole:
So I say to my ego, Peace - Be still. Now is the time. I am not relying solely on myself for I have surrendered this deep stuck place to the Holy Spirit, a power greater that I am which does for me what I have not been able to accomplish. I am not afraid of my own darkness for it is merely the absence of light and not real.
I am not alone and neither are you! Make this an awesome day in some way.
Only Love,
Silly Rabbi...it is not the destination, but the journey that we will laugh at you for and with. And ourselves as well if we do it with any enlightenment!
I love you, Ric!
Indeed, the process is our purpose, the journey is our home. My heart knows that, my ego, well he might know but he is squirmy.
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