Saturday, January 07, 2012

Any/Every day is Christmas!

Today, I am grateful for:
  1. My family who; by birth, marriage or choice; come together in loving celebration's of so many kinds.
  2. Having family Christmas 2011 on January 7, 2012
  3. Realizing any day and everyday is Christmas when I allow/invite/experience the rebirth of The Christ in me.
  4. The many ways chanting centers me in Love
  5. Lynne Barrette for gifting me with a copy of the beautiful cd of the chant, River of Life, several years ago.
  6. Composer Kurt Van Sickle.
  7. Duane & Randy gifting Matt with a refrigerator.
  8. Having "Noni's" seafood cocktail recipe.
  9. The way The Work rises up in me at the exact perfect time.
  10. My dear friend Duane
  11. You
  12. Creating an entry for today

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