Spiritual Explorer, Mystic, Healer, Lover of Life, Brother, Uncle, Friend, Dog Dad PGP: he/him/his
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
How do you measure a year?
525,600 minutes - How do we measure the passing of a year? Cups of coffee, miles driven, thoughts thought, money earned?
For me personally: funeral services officiated, counseling appointments, meetings attended, weddings performed, sermons preached? How about measuring the increase in Love on the planet? Or in how many people I have loved? How many people have I allowed to love me? How many people are enjoying a real, dynamic, life changing experience of God?
I love this song because it brings up such a strong emotional response from the very depths of my soul.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Who is that man behind the curtain/mask/insulation?

As I prepare the class outline, I notice how many of the questions in the book take me directly to the process of inquiry known as The Work of Byron Katie. I notice the many stories I have created or adopted (from other folk) about my body and my weight. Who am I without the stories?
My ego is screaming at me, "I can't believe you dumped it all out in public during a sermon. Why are you doing this to us? Don't you see that everyone knows now. They are all laughing at us now. Who do you think you are? You are not smart/serious/grown up/ enough to pull this off. How will you explain it away when you fail miserably? How are you going to lead a group of people into a place you have only visited, and never for very long?" My ego is trying to drag me into The Hole:
So I say to my ego, Peace - Be still. Now is the time. I am not relying solely on myself for I have surrendered this deep stuck place to the Holy Spirit, a power greater that I am which does for me what I have not been able to accomplish. I am not afraid of my own darkness for it is merely the absence of light and not real.
I am not alone and neither are you! Make this an awesome day in some way.
Only Love,
Monday, December 27, 2010
Farewell Miss Jeannie

Miss Jeanie was grateful for every moment and rooted in the present in a powerful way. Thank you for sharing your gifts and faith with so many of us.
Otherwise, this has been a slow down take it easy day off. A bit of a cold is trying to settle in so a great day for some reading in " A Course in Weight Loss" in order to finalize our upcoming class. Many people expressed interest in being part of this journey. Come Holy Spirit and take us to the core of the issue.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Beginning of the Beginning
I was very touched by how people responded. Some thought I had a new diet to share, or wanted to share a new diet with me. This is not about diets or food or exercise. There is no magic pill, potion, lotion or drink. No perfect melt away the pounds exercise machine, video, system or wand. To lose weight eat fewer calories than you burn.
This is about transforming consciousness at the deepest level. This is about discovering the stuck story of me and healing it, releasing the story so that it releases me.This is about living the abundant life, a journey toward life in it's fullness. It is the story of my life.In a couple of hours I am going to share this beginning with a coup[le thousand people. Am I nuts? Maybe, but it is the thing that I am guided to do.
Hold onto your hats, this could be an interesting ride.
Only Love!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me
It's been another year already. Fifty five years ago in the early morning hours, I entered this experience of the Journey. I have come to understand that You are the Life that lives me. Life, Your life, the One life expressed in, through and as me.
As I begin this new year, my heart is very full. This song by Jami Lula, speaks to my heart. Into Your "hands" I surrender. Maybe into You as Your hands but those are not the words that Jami wrote. Into Your will, your plan, Your divine design I yield myself once again.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
No time to be weighed down
- Really paying attention to the way I feel when I exert myself
- Watching a DVD of myself preaching, great sermon but who is that man?
- Intentionally standing naked in front of a full length mirror
- Trying to date someone recently (who pursued me) and having it bring up so many insecurities that I have never experienced before. I have been out of the dating scene for a few years, but there was a time, a long time, where fat or not I was a busy dating dude. Not now it seems.
- I am a spiritual teacher, a pastor. To teach is to demonstrate and it is time for me to demonstrate leadership over my self, in this area. I know that the outer world is a reflection of consciousness. To change my life, my body starts with changing my mind and I know how to do that.
- Desire to reduce or eliminate some of the medications I take for diabetes and my heart, hence part of My Heart's Journey
- I will turn 55 in November and I am so not ready to sit down and be an old man, there is more Life to experience and express.
- If Ben Davis (video dude) can do this, I can too! Thanks Ben for the push! Ben has also inspired me with his blog about his journey: http://bendoeslife.tumblr.com/
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Five Freeing Ideas
Originally a sermon, these ideas are my personal signposts.
Five Freeing Ideas
- It is what it is. No matter how much we might try to convince ourselves that a situation is different; no matter how hard we “push”, things are just the way they are. We accept what is at this moment. No rose colored glasses, no drama, no denial, no aggrandizement. We realize that accepting what is does not mean we cannot change; it simply means that we stop deceiving ourselves and we stop fighting with the current reality.
- It's not about me (or you). No one is out to get me; in fact "they" are not nearly as concerned about me or focused on me as my ego would like me to believe. I am not the center of the known universe nor am I a target of ridicule. I am an intrinsic part of the whole.
- I forgive and I am forgiven. True forgiveness is coming to realize that every experience I have ever had-- every condition or circumstance in my life--is a perfectly designed opportunity for the unfoldment of my soul. I release the past and open myself fully to the opportunities I am presented with in this moment to evolve spiritually. I let go of my "story." I let go of the trauma and drama that I thought was who I was. I consciously shift from victim to victor.
- God Is. I am. We Are. One. Who and what I am, in reality, is so different from and so much greater than I dared to think or dream until now. God is everywhere present in my life. The universe is wired in my favor. I am an emanation or expression of the pattern of energy that some call God. God is another name for the life that lives me. Wherever I am, God Is!
- Freedom is Surrender. Surrendering to the moment-by-moment guidance of Spirit is the ultimate freedom. We do not have to try to figure it out! As we listen with our hearts, get honest with ourselves, and release what we think we know we will be led through any and every circumstance.
Five Freeing Ideas, copyright © 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010
by Richard L. Beattie all rights reserved
Monday, September 27, 2010
Magnificent You
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A Prayer for Healing of the Gulf of Mexico
Loving Spirit,
We join in prayer for the healing of all creatures, people, plants and waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
We have long known that we are connected to all life.
Now, more than ever before, our hearts are also aware of this truth.
There is only One Life, One Presence, One Power.
This One Life is shared by all living things.
We recognize that there is no them only us.
We know that all things are working together for our good.
Divine wisdom and guidance are now directing the efforts to stop the oil spill and restore the balance.
May this tragedy become a point of awakening and transformation.
We are willing to become better stewards of this beautiful Earth.
We are willing to change the way we live.
Teach us Your peaceful way to be a harmonious part of the whole.
We pray in the name and nature of our Way-shower, Jesus Christ.
Thank You.
Copyright © 06/23/2010 by Richard L. Beattie