Thursday, August 30, 2018

Grateful Me - Day 4

My gratitude journal - everyday for 30 days I find and post at least 10 things I am grateful for without repeating.
  1. I am grateful for this awesome perfect day. A nice breeze and 75.
  2. I am grateful for the presence of my Grandma Miller, Miss Katie, my dad's mother. The geranium in the picture is a cut of one of hers. This plant is more than 20 years old. The parent plant was older. I feel her presence here with and in me often.
  3. I am grateful for the ability to work and home occasionally, especially when I need to do a lot of writing. I got so much done today.
  4. I am grateful for the team of volunteers and staff I work with. The are deeply committed and dedicated. They live the message and teaching of Unity.
  5. I am grateful Bluetooth speakers than sound awesome with a small footprint and price tag.
  6. I am delighted by the 2018 World Day of Prayer program our Prayer Partners Core Team have created.
  7. I am grateful for lime flavored water.
  8. I am grateful for my increasing ability to be self differentiated.
  9. I am grateful for this Life that lives me.
  10. I am grateful for wonderful neighbors. Cathy & Arne are amazing.

I am grateful for you!


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