Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanks In All Things - November 26 - Thanksgiving Day

This practice is about identifying 10 things each day for which I am grateful without repeating as I Give Thanks In All Things:

  1. The hardy souls who showed up on our Thanksgiving Morning Zoom.
  2. Watching Ashley navigate her way to cooking the first turkey on her own.
  3. Paper towel cardboard tubes in the charcoal starter chimney hack I learned this summer.
  4. My siblings on our first family Zoom call which was organized by Alicia for Thanksgiving.
  5. Smoking the turkey on my Weber Kettle grill.
  6. Resolving the issue Ashley and I had to text each other since I upgraded to a new phone this week.
  7. Finally figuring out how to remove L2 - one of the living room lamps from the Home app.
  8. An overall beautiful albeit different Thanksgiving Day.
  9. Not needing to rush to get to someone else's house on time.
  10. A wonderful Thanksgiving Meal!
  11. Leftovers in the fridge!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Thanks In All Things - November 25

This practice is about identifying 10 things each day for which I am grateful without repeating as I Give Thanks In All Things:

  1. The joy of delivering a gift card to one of our members. And the thank you note that they left for me.
  2. Delivering 2 Thanksgiving boxes.
  3. Receiving a loaf of homemade banana nut bread.
  4. A great discussion after  ACIM was finished.
  5. Conversation with Dave the piano tuner after getting both instruments tuned.
  6. Connecting with Joe the electrical engineer and his commitment to meet with me next week.
  7. Managing to purchase poultry seasoning at a small store that seemed to call me to stop there.
  8. Android auto connected to Ford Mysync 3.
  9. Having the sense to take it slow in heavy rain while driving through a construction zone.
  10. Two pair of flannel sleep pants for 13.99 at BJ's.
  11. Managing to get the last few things we needed for dinner tomorrow with a minimal amount of stress.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Thanks In All Things - November 24, 2020

This practice is about identifying 10 things each day for which I am grateful without repeating as I Give ThanksIn All Things:

  1. A peaceful and restful night.
  2. Following my intuition and discovering Gio Benitez is married to Tommy DiDario - the world continues to evolve.
  3. The peace that rises up from deep in my spirit when I am open to see things differently.
  4. Waking up in a warm house when the temperature outside is 22°
  5. A sweet Happy Birthday audio message from Martha Creek and her grand-niece Hadlyn.
  6. Roosevelt is doing a great job on the painting of the Sanctuary.
  7. Marco's Pizza's meat lovers pizza in a bowl.
  8. Nick and Kim hauling the Christmas decorations out of the basement.
  9. Getting 3 more strings of light to lite up.
  10. A late recording studio session with Kim & Michael Adams

Monday, November 23, 2020

Thanks In All Things - November 23, 2020


This practice is about identifying 10 things each day for which I am grateful without repeating as I Give Thanks In All Things:

  1. The tree that fell during the storm on Nov 15 at URO didn't hit the neighbors garage.
  2. The Monday morning edition of Wake Up with Ric & Joe Zoom.
  3. Finding Nick at church cleaning up the leaves in the flowerbeds. Grateful me.
  4. Ashley shared with me that Owen has croup, not something worse.
  5. My dog, Porkchop, snoring in his bed under my desk.
  6. Ashley hooking the surround sound back up over the weekend.
  7. The news that the Michigan Board of Canvassers has certified our election results.
  8. High-Speed Internet!
  9. Lunchtime meeting with Daniel our treasurer.
  10. A quiet evening watching the 3 DVD minmi series Dune, the director's cut.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Thanks In All Things - November 22, 2020

This practice is about identifying 10 things each day for which I am grateful without repeating as I Give Thanks In All Things:
  1. My parents coming together to conceive me which led to my birth 65 years ago today.
  2. A week off to think, pray and play.
  3. An early text from my friend max wishing me a happy birthday.
  4. The presence of mind to re-record the talk that was streamed today midweek because the original version was not very strong.
  5. A family & community Zoom call after service today.
  6. Owen running to me this morning to give me a hug and then running back and forth between his mother and me wanting hugs.
  7. The first real snow of the season.
  8. My dear friend Angela.
  9. Understanding that I have many options.
  10. The power to choose and to choose again as needed.