Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanks as a Way of Living - Day 5

Thanks as a Way of Living - my gratitude practice till the end of the year (at least). A minimum, of five things each day that I am grateful for and why. Oh, and no repeats.

  1. I am grateful for Song & Spirit Institute for Peace. I met Brother Al, Hazzan Steve and Mary several years ago at a Good Friday service at Renaissance Unity. I have become friends of the three founders and a member of their Board of Directors. Tonight I was elected as the Board Chair. I love the practical ways that they allow Love to guide the work they do. I am honored to serve with them.
  2. I am grateful to acknowledge the rains that have fallen in the Southeastern part of our nation over the past few days. Edwene Gains posted Thank God for the rain today on Facebook. Indeed, I take water for granted at times.
  3. I am grateful for words that come to me when people call me and are wondering what to do or think now about a situation or circumstance in their lives. When I am still, ideas flow through me, blessings others and blessing me too.
  4. I am grateful to know that there is always something I can do to bring more light into our world. Prayer, meditation, letter writing, phone calls to people in positions of power. These area all steps that lead to change.
  5. I am grateful that I can hear the snoring of my dog, Porkchop, as he sleeps next to my desk. He reminds me I am never alone.

Always in Love,


(c) 2016 by Richard L. Beattie, All Rights Reserved

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