Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Day 4 - I Give Thanks For ...

My current gratitude practice is to share at least 10 things for which I am grateful for each day without repetition.

Artwork created by the Unity of Royal Oak
Youth & Family Ministry
Today, I Give Thanks For ...
  1. The blessings that flow from the youth in our program.
  2. A new roof this summer has eliminated worry during today's high winds and pouring rain.
  3. Our ACIM discussion group was deeply engaging today in conversation around healing and sickness.
  4. Filling my car up with gas at BJ's for $2.149 today.
  5. Ashley helping me get the peppercorns out of the seafood cocktail.
  6. On this eve of Thanksgiving, 10 people attended the Midweek Meditation.
  7. The Liquid Mind X CD from Chuck Wild.
  8. The gift of growing friendship with Jon & Susan and their faithfulness participation on Wednesday nights.
  9. Heart to heart conversation with Ashley tonight. I love getting to know who she is as a young woman and mother.
  10. The wind and rain have helped the Oak Trees release the leaves so fall cleanup can happen.

Peace & Plenty!

Love, Ric

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