Sunday, December 02, 2012

11 Days of Thanks Living

This day, I am grateful for:

  1. Settling on the idea of Thanks Living for the tag line of these gratitude blogs.
  2. A friend who brought chicken soup to church for me.
  3. A very sweet voice mail message from my sister.
  4. Jim leading the church in sharing a blessing with me for health and healing from the cold I picked up somewhere recently.
  5. Learning the difference between chicken stock (made from bones) and chicken broth (made with meat.)
  6. Making it through the work day and even having a small part in the first of two Super Brain classes. I love to teach!
  7. Having the sense to cancel a social engagement after work yesterday, even though I wanted to attend the concert.
  8. Seeing Gail A. after at least 35 years. Looking forward to a deeper conversation as we can.
  9. Watching the program Aftermath: Population Zero on NatGeo - very though provoking. It was about planet Earth recovering from our pollution after humans disappeared suddenly.
  10. Hot green tea.

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