Saturday, December 03, 2011

Ten Favorite Things

These are ten favorite things that I come back to frequently: (there are more that I will probably share over time)
  1. For laughing: 25 funniest auto-corrects (strong language)
  2. For the song, Seasons of Love, from the play/movie Rent. Measure your life in Love.
  3.  Jami Lula singing Love Is My Religion
  4. Renaissance Unity which is both my spiritual home and employer.
  5. Attending our Volunteer Christmas Potluck this afternoon.
  6. Grateful for the memory of Frank Firek sharing "Twas The Night Before Christmas" with us at so many previous years at Christmas potlucks.
  7. Will Tillander
  8. Sloane Tillander
  9. First Birthday Parties
  10. Adele's voice.

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