Thursday, November 12, 2015

Gratitude Days of 2015, Day # 5

My office, totally empty and ready for painting!

2015 Thanksgiving Gratitude Practice, Day 5

  1. I am grateful that I was able to go to bed early last night and catch up on some sleep!
  2. Grateful that Porkchop took care of his business in record time this morning.
  3. I am grateful that this first cold weather storm did not bring snow
  4. Grateful for the "pressure relief valve" effect of demolition and hauling stuff out to go into recycling this morning.
  5. Grateful to be able to share Thanksgiving Dinner setup information with April Ellenburg.
  6. I am grateful for our Board of Trustees.
  7. Grateful for an awesome board meeting today and for decisions made.
  8. Grateful for passion, peace, power and Presence that flows from walking in Love.
  9. I am grateful that the power is on at home.
  10. Grateful for dear friends who share a passion for Life and making a difference.

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