Monday, November 30, 2015

Gratitude Days of 2015, Day # 23

Mom and me in September 2015
2015 Thanksgiving Gratitude Practice, Day 23 - Post ten things (at least) each day w/o duplicating

  1. Grateful for a full day spent with my mom today.
  2. Grateful for the the ways that Margo, my mom's PD nurse, cares for her.
  3. Grateful for Dr. Clyne who mom calls Hot Sox
  4. Grateful for breakfast at Iris cafe.
  5. Grateful for a between doctor appointment break at my house with music videos and Porkchop.
  6. Grateful for Dr. Barnes and his reassuring way with mom.
  7. Grateful for sorting and shredding  a huge pike of junk mail.
  8. Grateful that I remembered to renew the license tag for the car before I got stopped
  9. Grateful for a wonderful dinner with mom and Dion at the Sagebrush Cantina
  10. Grateful for Porkchop snoring in his bed next to my desk as I type this blog entry.

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