Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Eve of Thanksgiving

I am Grateful for:
  1. The question "What would happen if you woke up this morning and all you had was what you thanked God for yesterday?" ~Martha Creek
  2. Being able to laugh at myself. I was cracking three eggs to scramble for breakfast, the first two were uneventful; crack an egg on the edge of sink and deposit in bowl. The last egg, I cracked and promptly deposited into the sink. I looked down at the egg and started to laugh, belly laugh. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.Thank You God for laughter and not taking things too seriously.
  3. Remembering to check my medications and order the refills
  4. Having a dishwasher
  5. the ability to change my current focus quickly
  6. Beautiful drive to my brother Matt's home
  7. a sweet Thanksgiving Eve service this evening
  8. The opportunity to preach
  9. amazing coworkers
  10. knowing when it is time to go to bed.

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