Monday, November 14, 2011

Gratitude Week 2 begins

Summer dreaming on an almost winter day!
  1. I woke up this morning
  2. Brand new baby week
  3. Summer memories
  4. Chicken & rice soup cooking in the slow-cooker waiting for me to get home
  5. The Work of Byron Katie which helps me remain centered and honest with myself.
  6. The Jerusalem Bible.
  7. Michael Bernard Beckwith's new CD, TranscenDance
  8. Direct deposit of my paycheck.
  9. My credit union, Genisys. I love being a member/owner.
  10. Affirmations, the GLBT Community Center in Ferndale
  11. Antonio David Garcia, the new Executive Director at Affirmations.

Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights are reserved.

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