I am grateful for:
- Veterans who have responded to the call, past or present, of our nation to safeguard our liberty and freedom. May their sacrifice never be in vain.
- The telephone and my freedom to speak freely and without fear.
- Having a car that runs and is paid for in full.
- My own love of reading, which has opened the world to me.
- The be grateful picture above that a friend sent to me.
- The core team of volunteers for our upcoming rotating shelter week. We went through an orientation with the folks from the Macomb County Warming Center last night.
- The gorgeous full (?) moon tonight
- Being able to wear my favorite pair of blue jeans again.
- Wireless Internet access all over our church
- Google Music which lets me access all of my music from anywhere via the internet
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie , all rights are reserved.
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