- I am grateful for the prayer flags the Youth of URO have made for our World DAy of Prayer Celebration.
- I am grateful that Scott Vernier is back from his summer gig and was with us today on keyboards.
- I am grateful for Alison Donahue sharing her amazing vocal skills with us today. We've know she was good on the cello for a long time.
- I am grateful for the number of people who joined in stacking chairs, moving plants, lifting our piano off the platform and helping us to be ready for Day 1 of the construction phase of our capital improvement project that begins tomorrow morning.
- I am grateful that the too large for our space welcome center is being replaced.
- I am glad that after a year of raising money we are going to start of the interior improvements.
- I am grateful that I was able to take a long nap after service today.
- I am grateful that the trip point at the bottom of the ramp will be eliminated.
- I am grateful for Kim & Simon taking charge of moving our sound system and especially Simons powers of deconstruction.
- I am grateful for being a step closer to launching a live stream.
- I am grateful for 14 grateful days in a row.
I am grateful for you!
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