Sunday, December 11, 2016

Thanks As A Way Of Living - Day 18

  1. I am grateful for the Unity of Royal Oak Music Makers. Their dedication and talents bring joy to many.
  2. I am grateful for Mark & Tatiana sharing the gift of music this morning, beautiful music on a snowy morning.
  3. I am grateful for the hearty souls who came out in the snow to celebrate a day themed on Joy.
  4. I am grateful for the folks out plowing and salting. Keeping the flow moving.
  5. I am grateful for the Love that draws us together in celebration and service.

Always in Love,

Thanks as a Way of Living - my gratitude practice till the end of the year (at least). A minimum, of five things each day that I am grateful for and why without repeats.

(c) 2016 by Richard L. Beattie, All Rights Reserved

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