Sunday, December 06, 2015

Gratitude Days of 2015, Day # 29

Velvet singing Christmas carols this morning
2015 Thanksgiving Gratitude Practice, Day 29 - Post ten things (at least) each day w/o duplicating.

  1. Grateful to all who helped get our Christmas decorating off to a great start.
  2. Grateful to the trio "Velvet" who delivered awesome music this morning.
  3. Grateful that Cindy located my misplaced notes this morning in the nick of time.
  4. I am grateful for the presence of two new mom's and their children this morning.
  5. Grateful for Harvey and his willingness.
  6. Grateful for Terri Lynn's gift of prayer shawls.
  7. I am grateful for a surprise conversation with Donna in our lobby.
  8. Grateful for the incredible food that finds its way to our fellowship after service.
  9. Grateful for a same day response to the request for items to share with the Welcome Inn and Song & Spirit.
  10. grateful for the ongoing cluttering of our Spiritual Center.
  11. Grateful for the energy present in the room as we gathered in a circle to bless and pray for CJ.

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