Monday, December 21, 2015

Gratitude Days of 2015, Day # 44

A Rug For My Office
2015 Gratitude Practice, Day 44 - Post ten things (at least) each day w/o duplicating.
  1. Grateful for having a list of must do tasks this morning.
  2. Grateful for getting the flash paper for New Years Eve.
  3. Grateful for the happy guy at the magic store with really long locks.
  4. Grateful for finding an affordable rug that I liked for my office.
  5. Grateful for the food demonstration ladies at Costco.
  6. Grateful for the gentleman in the parking lot who helped me get the rug into my car.
  7. Grateful that an image of my office finished is finally forming in my mind.
  8. Grateful for lunch that cost 1.59 @ Costco and thoughts of Patti Olds as I ate.
  9. Grateful that our new tables are light enough for me to schlep around solo.
  10. Grateful for dinner with a friend.
  11. Grateful for tonight being the Winter Solstice so the days can start lengthening again.

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