- Gel in my hair!
- Cool new tasseled loafers with a gift card at DSW
- Amazing ushers & greeters.
- More than 800 people at our burning bowl service
- Having sense to head home after service
- My niece showing up at our Burning Bowl service
- Friends who care enough to call twice to checkup
- Knowing how to do a lot of things at church
- Not getting stuck in my story for very long
- Going to bed before midnight and being absolutely okay with it.
Spiritual Explorer, Mystic, Healer, Lover of Life, Brother, Uncle, Friend, Dog Dad PGP: he/him/his
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Eve of 2012
I am grateful still:
Friday, December 30, 2011
The Sixth Day of Christmas
Grateful for:
- Pam at Genisys CU
- Internal Guidance which led me on an interesting journey.
- Pressing through my fears.
- Staying calm under stress.
- Being able to pay the taxes.
- Making it to the Treasurers office with 1 minute to spare.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
The Fifth Day of Christmas
My gratitude list for this day includes:
- The ability to adapt my presentation style to the expectations of the audience.
- Wisdom and guidance which show up just when I need them.
- Calm in the face of the storm.
- tissues to blow my nose in
- 7 layers bars
- still loving myself after 7 layer bars
- Love offerings
- expressing boundaries without anger
- realizing quickly when to surrender an idea
- Connecting with a dear friend at precisely the perfect time to lend support
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Fourth Day of Christmas
Four Calling Birds |
- The confidence Tom and Greg place in me to serve the spiritual needs for a growing number of their clients.
- Meeting & working with Cheryl's family, such sweetness.
- Automatic Traffic Signals
- My neighbor giving me his old PC so I can make a Linux jukebox out if it.
- remembering to communicate next Wednesday's funeral plans to the staff a week in advance, WOOT!
- The opportunity to remember Gus' Roadhouse and family memories there as I researched for Cheryl's service.
- Growing up in Lake Orion
- B.A. comments about how much The Work has helped him after a couple of conversations and a single Worksheet.
- A beautiful crescent moon in the sky, visible from my office tonight.
- Being invited to Craig's birthday party.
- Acting on the thought to check in on M.S.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday, the Third day of Christmas
On this third day of Christmas, I am grateful for:
- Waking up early, even though I didn't need tom and watching the snow fall gently.
- The sense of wide eyes wonder I still have at 56 for falling snow.
- A dear friend and former colleague who called today to share her recent hear awakening that it is time to actively apply the principles by making Christ real in every moment. Yes!!!
- Three way calling on my cell phone, which allowed a funeral planning meeting across state lines from the comfort of home.
- One of the weeks three funerals being moved to next Tuesday
- Great talk about some serious stuff with my roommate
- Facilitating someone in The Work via telephone
- The dark chocolate chip cookies are gone !
- Noticing the dark chocolate chips were half off at Aldi
- Seeing a picture of Greg's 7 month old son for the first time
Monday, December 26, 2011
Boxing Day
Today, I am grateful for:
- Starting this 8th week of gratitude blogging. I had committed to keep this diary through Christmas and when I sat down at my computer this morning, I created this entry.
- Having no official agenda of any kind for today.
- Remembering to drink a protein shale soon after arising this morning.
- Not leaving the house all day, not once
- My KitchenAid mixer
- Chocolate chip cookies from 60% Cacao bittersweet chips, yum!
- the smell of a clean comforter straight out of the dryer
- staying in my sleep pants all day
- A wonderful phone conversation with Rev. Sheila.
- George Strombolopolous
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas
On this Christmas Day, I am grateful for:
- The opportunity to share the message this morning
- More than 400 people who attended
- My niece Ashley attending service and being in a huggy, lovey mood.
- The interesting, odd, wild & crazy family I am part of.
- Having lunch with my dear friend Linda today
- Big Boy being open on Christmas
- The Gospel Truth
- A Christmas tie that plays music courtesy of the "W" family
- A really cool video to illustrate my sermon this morning
- More invitations to dinner today than I could honor
- The president of our Board of Trustees calling me this morning
- Completing 7 weeks of gratitude journaling.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve
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Christmas Eve Morning 2011 |
I am filled with gratitude for:
- Unexpected blanket of snow this morning
- Christmas Day sermon coming together
- Enjoying a "Cadillac" coffee (coffee + cocoa)
- Early to bed last night and early to rise this morning
- This blessed life that Lives me so gently.
- Google translate which allows me to share Christmas greetings with international friends in their native language
- The close shave of a new shaver
- My smile looking back at me from the mirror
- Knowing that my overnight package, which probably will not make it overnight, is arriving right on time. And it arrived in time, woot!
- Loving what is!
Friday, December 23, 2011
The Day Before, The Day Before Christmas
Today, I am grateful for:
- The opportunity to pick up and deliver a car full of Christmas to a family that is getting back on their feet.
- The joyous look on a mothers face at unexpected Christmas blessings.
- Christmas lights on the houses in my neighborhood
- Finally getting some Christmas cards mailed
- Being able to send my out of state niece and her family a small gift
- The wonderful folks at the Ford Tech center who give so much of their time and money to make Christmas special for others and helped 143 families this year.
- The warmth in Tracy's still very present hug!
- Good directions to a house I have never visited
- text messaging
- Beautiful Christmas music on a PBS Christmas show.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Winter Solstice
On this day, I am grateful for:
- First Day of Winter (one step closer to summer)
- Folgers Black Silk coffee
- Making it to Amanda's funeral on time
- The attentiveness of the O. H.. Pye III Funeral Home Staff
- "John" wanting to connect with me after service to pray.
- The privilege of officiating Amanda's funeral
- Carol calling to make sure the arrangements for tomorrows Christmas gift delivery are in place
- Pamalar asking me to officiate her Father's memorial service next week
- Someone calling me a "liberal weenie" in response to a post on my FB Timeline which brought interesting comments from unlikely folks.
- The depth at which people share their lives with me which blows me away.
- You as you read this gratitude journal which I hope inspires you to count your blessings!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Autumns Last Day (for this year)
Than You Loving Spirit! Today I am grateful for:
- Foggy mornings which make the world feel smaller & cozier
- The delete button for items people place on my Timeline that I don't want there.
- The changing in the weather and scenery that the cycle of seasons brings.
- This oddly warm last day of fall for 2011
- Discovering the chili is a wonderful breakfast food
- Quiet sound of the dishwasher running
- Several invitations to Christmas after church on Sunday.
- Experiencing the love of a sweet family as they celebrate the life of their sister
- An expanding personal experience of Oneness
- Fresh air to breathe.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Season of Light
- Hanukkah, The Festival of Lights, celebrating the re-dedication of the Temple, begins this evening at sundown.
- Loving the anticipation of seeing Wicked tonight with a dear group of friends.
- We are having dinner at a restaurant I have not visited before, which adds to the excitement of the evening!
- The Light of this Holy Season
- The way this video from Agape, Standing On the Power of Love, gets me moving in the morning!
- Patrick, our waiter at Andiamo's at the Renaissance Center.
- Making it into the theater and to our seats with 2 minutes to spare.
- A most amazing play - Wicked!
- Awesome band of com-padres.
- Great first experience at the Detroit Opera House
- So many future sermon ideas from the play.
- Finding some of the music on YouTube when I got home.
Monday, December 19, 2011
The Start of Gratitude Week 7
Things I have noticed that I am grateful for today:
- A comment that Martha Creek posted on one of my Facebook posts that she was was stretched to be grateful for underarm hair. The post caused me to have a few moments of uncontrolled laughter for which I am grateful beyond words.
- Love the Daily Word message for today: Honesty: I am honest with myself and others.
- The opportunity to make amends with a dear friend over one of my snarky comments.
- I just noticed that my friend Cindy J is using one of my original FB posting as a signature line quotation. I so needed to hear the advice I shared in that quote. Grateful and humbled.
- Grateful that the world around me isn't waiting on me to bring forth the Christmas Spirit.
- Grateful for Christmas lights that burn brightly in the darkness reminding me that no matter how dark it seems, the Light will shine it away.
- Chocolate covered cherries
- Wireless Internet access all over the church and at home too.
- Being a geek
- The greater Rochester area where I have lived for many years or several different occasions.
- Ashley, one of my nieces, coming by the church to rest in the stillness.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
All About Joy
Joy fuels this grateful day:
- Jim jumping for joy in the midst of the challenges in his family.
- Huge awareness personally that the Joy of the Lord is my strength - right here and right now.
- Easy flow between Jim and I on platform.
- Having Rob Hess in the house this morning for sound and just because.
- Meeting Craig's new partner.
- Discovering gifts from Peter & Sandy, Kathy and the mystery gingerbread house giver on my desk this morning.
- Very long nap before bed.
- Working the welcome counter with Angela today.
- Last Sunday before Christmas
- Being able to fix the problem with the home page of the website without having to recreate it.
- Beautiful meeting with Linda to plan Ila's memorial service, so much love and acceptance. Beautiful!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Introspective Saturday
Today's gratitude flows from:
- Being absolutely okay with not feeling very excited about Christmas yet.
- Feeling better today that I did yesterday.
- A day without any crisis calls.
- The problem with my mother's water lines are not her responsibility!
- New heavy duty heat tape on mom's water line.
- Beautiful new bathroom at my sisters house, thanks John!
- Remembering to pick up my shirts from the cleaners before they closed.
- Noticing that my car needed gas while I was on the way to the cleaners.
- Getting gas today, so I did not have to stop on my way into Church on Sunday morning.
- Knowing when to stay home and allow healing to happen.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Renewed Attitude!
Today I am grateful for:
- The song, You Are Loved by Josh Groban which is a welcome and healing reminder.
- The end of the war in Iraq.
- My sister calling (on my seldom used home phone) to check on me because my cell phone was going directly to voice mail for the past several hours. (The battery had run down)
- Waking up at 3 am and going to bed so I didn't spend the entire night sleeping in my chair
- A down comforter on the bed
- Chicken soup for breakfast
- Being able to program the oven to shut off so I can leave the butternut squash baking and head out for a walk downtown.
- My sister asking if it was too late for her to go to college at 42. I said, "it is never too late," which spoke to my heart too.
- A slow and easy start to this day
- The church absorbing the rate increase on our health insurance
- Wonderful walk through downtown Rochester looking at the 1.8 million lights that are on the businesses for The Big, Bright Light Show.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Odd, Quiet Thursday
Today, gratitude for:
- To have gone shopping with my brother a day earlier than usual
- Blah days are good for reflection
- Swollen lymph glands, sneezing and a runny nose - nature letting me know that I need to slow down and care for me
- Candlelight Wedding Chapel calling me for a quick, small wedding
- The gift of officiating Craig & Karen's wedding and the two of them sharing tears and open hearts with me
- Craig's adding a gift "for the alms plate at church" on top of an honorarium for the wedding
- Noticing that it is not too late for love, taught by a 60 year old man getting married for the first time
- Still loving me after an unplanned pizza
- Noticing that I have friends from many and diverse political backgrounds: tea party to OWL devotee, Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians and everything in between and loving them all.
- An evening at home, alone, when I really needed it.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Mid Week Miracles
The ruins of the pool of Bethesda |
- Wonderfully spirit centered Healing Service tonight.
- Being able to drop of groceries to a dear woman and her two children on my way home from service
- Honoring and serving our staff today with a Christmas Luncheon
- An ability to touch people through prayer
- A Visa gift card
- An unexpected financial gift from a dear friend.
- The color Royal Blue
- Sharing the sermon with Jim.
- The story of the healing of the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda
- The staff of Lil Mamas catering
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Two Is Day?
Daily Gratitude List:
- The FB posts from Denise Brogan-Kator from the White House where she and Mary Kator were attending a reception.
- OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software that converts scanned images into text
- Winning a bronze medal in this weeks Zuma Blitz tournament
- Not storming out of the meeting
- Not taking things personally
- Clean, dry clothes to wear to work
- The Expressway
- Ability to drive
- Royal Lake by Mars Lasar (a musical piece)
- Knowing when to apologize and let it go
- The incredible example of Lisa Philips, Principle or Cass Tech High
Monday, December 12, 2011
Rolling in the Gratitude Week Six
On this day I am grateful for:
- The sacrifices made by USMC Staff Sergeant Vincent J. Bell and the other women and men of the armed forces as they respond to the nations call to serve and protect.
- The consciousness of our Prayer Chaplains.
- Ushers and greeter who respond to the invitation to serve a family they did not know.
- The camaraderie and connection between the Marines who attended the service.
- Deb's gift salad and raw vegetables (I am following the simple directions)
- Being able to share the value of Costco optical with my friend Denise.
- The opportunity to dig within myself for some meaning this Christmas season
- Baked spaghetti made from last nights leftovers
- Making it in as early as I said I would be there.
- Escorting the Bless family into the sanctuary
- Going to bed early because I want to.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Two Weeks to Christmas
I am grateful for:
- Attended the Detroit Repertory Theater for the first time, great venue.
- Discovering a wonderful new dimension to Harold Hogan
- The play, Engagement Rules by Rich Orloff
- Divine unrest.
- Meeting the actors after the play.
- Finding a place where my Sprint 4G phone actually connected to a 4G network
- The gift of tickets, thanks Cassandra!
- Getting home before dark.
- Spaghetti with meat sauce
- Reflection of the advent theme for today of Love
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Simply Super Saturday
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Full moon over pines on 12/10/11 |
- My friend Randy fixing the receptacles for the power window switches (I do not know what the assembly is called) on my car.
- A most amazing full moon, cold, silver, winter moon.
- An in the moment I love you text from Ben
- Catching up with Mark on the phone today
- Being able to borrow a truck from a friend
- Turnips in soup, who knew they would be so good!
- Amy's promotion, way to go!
- First day this season where the high temp did not get over freezing so the pond has ice.
- John repairing my sisters bathroom floor.
- Being okay with missing the Family of Faith concert even though I really wanted to be there.
- Knowing that although nothing happened the way I wanted it to today, everything was perfect.
Friday, December 09, 2011
Gratefully, I am back on track
My heart is filled with gratitude because:
- I have remembered I do not have to do it perfectly.
- I have release the all or nothing attitude that keeps me stuck at times.
- I have not given up on this gratitude blogging after missing a couple of days
- Watching a pair of cardinals, his bright plumage and her subtle colors and a blue jay all playing in the snow covering the big pine outside my window
- Celtic Christmas Music playing softly while a light snow falls
- This quiet morning after a very hectic week of Medicare and medical insurance stuff for three family members
- Making some new friends and reconnecting with current friends at the Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion meeting yesterday.
- My niece reaching out to Rev. Ric instead of Uncle Ric yesterday.
- The reality that there is no difference between those two, neither role is who I am.
- The deep knowing that God/'Spirit/All is fluid, dynamic and so much more than I can even imagine and yet I am intimately connected with the Presence in ways I feel and understand.
- Our small groups Christmas potluck.
- Being able to leave when it was time for me and not feeling like I have to be the last one to leave.
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights are reserved.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Free and Equal in Dignity and Rights
Today, I am grateful for:
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech regarding global LGBT rights.
- President Obama getting more aggressive on gay issues.
- The recent repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell
- Debby's successful surgery
- Officiating the funeral for Pat and meeting her incredible family and friends
- getting back on track with conscious eating
- a new Zuma game board
- The gains for LGBT equality that have happened in my lifetime.
- Passing 1400 FBF's
- My many supportive nongay ally's.
Monday, December 05, 2011
Gratitude Journey Day 29
Grateful for:
- Resolving issue with Medicare part "D" to get Mikes prescriptions
- Kim, a very helpful pharmacy tech, at Meijer
- Being able to take the time to work on these personal/family things
- The last night of 4T - potluck
- Knowing when to get off the freeway and drive surface roads
- My sister, Dion for so many reasons.
- Sharing The Work with D & T as a way to move forward in their relationship
- paved roads
- having been delivered from addiction to nicotine 7 years ago
- Getting a line on my great great grandfather for my family tree
Sunday, December 04, 2011
Grandma Ledger 100th Birthday
This would have been my maternal grandmother's 100th birthday. I still miss you Grandma!
Esther Minerva (Karvala) Ledger 12/4/1911 - 8/6/2002
Grateful for:
This would have been my maternal grandmother's 100th birthday. I still miss you Grandma!
Esther Minerva (Karvala) Ledger 12/4/1911 - 8/6/2002
Grateful for:
- Voraciously inquisitive spirit
- Her love of reading.
- Our mutual enjoyment of the Earth's Children Series (Clan of the Cave Bear) of books by Jean M. Auel
- Determination
- Cooking - this is hardly a single gratitude. I spent hours with my Grandmother in her kitchen and then in my kitchen.
- Making Christmas cookies with all of the cousins, Gram always had room at the table and in her heart, for one more
- Many Christmas Eves spent getting a 30+ pound Turkey in the oven, I would stay with grandma on Christmas eve to help her get things ready. Often we would put up the tree as well as make stuffing and cabbage salad.
- Always making me feel loved
- Her absolute unwavering acceptance of me and my friends. I remember the day I came out to my grandma, she was so not concerned.
- Story about clothes dryers being one of the inventions that most changed the world.
- Her fierce sense of independence, she was her own person, regardless.
- The Goose lady of Willet -
- Grandma asking me on the night before she died after I got her back home from the hospital, "Can I have my glass now?" Our code for enough vodka for a couple of drinks.
- Her love of Andre Schwartz'sa song "Dans Vanaand Met My" even though neither of us understood it, she said she knew in her heart what it meant.
- Grandma making pasties & meat pies.
- Stories of her growing up in Iron River
- Stories of commodity rationing during WWII and using ration stamps
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Ten Favorite Things
These are ten favorite things that I come back to frequently: (there are more that I will probably share over time)
- For laughing: 25 funniest auto-corrects (strong language)
- For the song, Seasons of Love, from the play/movie Rent. Measure your life in Love.
- Jami Lula singing Love Is My Religion
- Renaissance Unity which is both my spiritual home and employer.
- Attending our Volunteer Christmas Potluck this afternoon.
- Grateful for the memory of Frank Firek sharing "Twas The Night Before Christmas" with us at so many previous years at Christmas potlucks.
- Will Tillander
- Sloane Tillander
- First Birthday Parties
- Adele's voice.
Friday, December 02, 2011
Day 26 on this Grateful Journey
My top ten for today:
- I am grateful that I survived the years in school when I was bullied.
- Long handled ice/snow scraper
- Rear window defroster in my car
- A quiet day off, spent mostly at home
- Realizing that the only item on my calendar for the day had been rescheduled.
- Compliments from folks about the way I looked last night in my new Tuxedo, the first I have ever owned
- My pharmacist, Anna, who always makes things work somehow.
- Health insurance that covers prescriptions
- Wonderful aroma of a pot of Boiled Dinner simmering in the kitchen
- Finally catching up with Extreme Makeover Home Edition since the move to Friday night.
Thursday, December 01, 2011
World Aids Day - I remember
Grateful for the life journey we shared, for love, friendship and memories:
- Douglas J. Arsenault
- Dr. Eric Loranger
- Richard L. O’Dell
- Jon Rowe
- Pat Lee
- Woody Lee
- Joe K. Grantham
- Tracey Mae Artinian LaCroix
- Larry Gaynier
- James Proffit
- James Holman
- Rev. Roger Webb
- William R. Fischer
- Rev. James Sandmire
- Phillip Gallnitz
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
First Snow
Nov 30, 2011 - First Snow |
- The quiet blanket of the first snow.
- My dental office sends text messages as appointment reminders.
- Only got up once last night to pee.
- Having two permanent crowns seated this morning
- Incredible improvement (I may post the before & now pictures) in oral health and appearance over the last three years..
- Meeting the family of an amazing woman whose life we will celebrate tomorrow.
- getting my hairs cut
- being able to listen to an audio of the lady whose funeral I am officiating tomorrow.
- I love serving as a pastor. (may be a duplicate).
- I appreciate Google and the access to information of so many kinds it makes easily accessible
Copyright (c) by Richard L. Beattie, all rights reserved
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Rain into Snow :-)
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11/29/11 Rainy day turning to snow later. |
- Forecast of snow tonight - I prefer snow to cold rain
- Always changing weather
- Payday
- Direct deposit
- My eye doctor telling me that my challenges with glaring lights when night driving, especially when it is wet, are from cataracts and not any of the number of stories I had made up.
- Driving surface roads home tonight.
- Bought my first tuxedo today, the salesman was awesome. Thanks John.
- My neighbors, Fred & Alice, are safely home from a trip to New York
- Enjoyed a belated birthday lunch with my friend & coworker Mike
- Grateful that two of my standing weekly meetings have been canceled this week.
- Happy to be home on this rainy, windy, cold & dark night.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Cyber Monday, really?
Today I am grateful for :
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights reserved
- Connecting with my dear friend Jo Horn this morning!
- Getting a 30 day license plate and almost getting the title issue resolved with my car.
- Introducing a couple to The Work as a tool for working on their relationship.
- The passion Carole & Denise have for our Christmas Outreach program
- Divine ideas that emerge to allow us to assist more people
- Opportunities that arise to make some extra cash at exactly to most opportune moment
- Ben calling to share favorite memories of dancing and laughter
- The guidance that always comes when I listen and take time to notice
- Making the healthier choice to buy roasted turkey breast over the ribs
- Quiet moments in a very busy week
- The deep knowing that everything I need to be happy now, I have now.
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights reserved
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Three Grateful Weeks ...
- The opportunity to share some ideas and conversation with our Youth of Unity chapter.
- Christening babies, I love to christen babies and adults.
- The tunnel linking the parking structure and hospital at Beaumont's Royal Oak campus
- Rainy days that offer the opportunity to curl up, reflect & read
- The first Sunday in advent
- Being able to return Chef John's knife to him
- The amazing multifaceted diversity of our spiritual community
- Remembering to take lunch to work with me
- Actually having blogged for 21 days in succession
- Singing aloud while driving and not caring what the other drivers think.
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights reserved
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Twenty Days of Gratitude Consciousness
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Rochester Municipal Park, 11/25/11 |
Gratitude flows from my heart for these reasons today ...
- Going to dinner and the theater (All Night Strut Holiday Show) with friends tonight in celebration of my birthday
- Mini Pumpkin Cream Cheese Creme Cake
- Taking a nap in the morning (may be a duplication)
- Embracing the flow of this journey in gratitude for twenty days.
- A clean kitchen
- The "Rudolph" van in my neighborhood that has antlers sticking out off the side windows and a red "nose" on the grille.
- The giant pine tree outside my office window that is home to so many birds and squirrels
- Getting a hair cut.
- a two days in a row break from the recent frenzy of activities.
- This amazing Rochester/Rochester Hills area I call home.
- I need to purchase new underpants because they are so big that are falling off, yeah!!!
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights are reserved
Friday, November 25, 2011
Another day of Thanks Living
Today, I am grateful for:
- The lesson I learned from eggs while making an omelet this morning: I had two white shelled eggs left and added a brown shelled egg from the new dozen just purchased. Interesting thing about white eggs and brown eggs; they look different until you crack them open.
- The joy of delivering the surplus from our Thanksgiving Dinner yesterday to the kitchen at Grace Centers of Hope, the largest shelter here in Oakland County, Michigan.
- The rich smell wafting through the house from turkey soup stock simmering on the stove.
- Realizing that Christmas is one month away.
- The Memo from God which is included in the Og Mandino's classic book: The Greatest Miracle in the World
- 59° weather on November 25, 2011
- A wonderful walk on the Paint Creek trail and through Rochester Municipal Park.
- Yummy taste of Rutabaga's in my soup
- The smell of clean towels
- An card from a dear lady I met when I officiated her sisters memorial service letting me know that prayers had been answered for her son. She has asked me to pray for her 48 y/o son who had been recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. His most recent PET scan shows the cancer has been shrinking and they now label it stage 1. Alleluia!
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights are reserved
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving Day
On this day we dedicate to giving thanks, I am grateful for:
- Getting to the church to open it on time today.
- Wonderful mixture of seasoned volunteers and brand new folks created an amazing energy and excited.
- My dear friend Rev. Karen Boland who started this Community Thanksgiving Feast 37 years ago.
- The great honor of continuing in her footsteps (although not in her shoes ☺)
- Being able to step back from the kitchen and attend to the big picture of the event this year.
- The way that this established event shifts slightly to accommodate new ideas and energy while retaining its essence.
- The generous outpouring of support, turkeys and mashed potatoes that our Renaissance Community delivered in waves of plenty and abundance.
- The idea that we all cooked our turkeys, mashed potatoes and stuffing at home individually and brought the dishes to church where a dedicated group of volunteers mixed everything together with love. What a modeling for sharing our resources for the good of all.
- The 325 people from every age group, family & marital status, sexual orientation and gender identity came together in celebration and as family for a few hours top share a meal and their presence. Wow!
- Being joined by Jim Lee, daughter Tracy and two of her kids for dinner. So very sweet!
- The most amazing slice of homemade apple pie, little sugar allowing the natural apple flavor through and such a flaky crust.
- A dear lady who came up to me as she was leaving to express her gratitude. She said she had resigned herself to not having a "Thanksgiving Dinner" this year because she couldn't afford it. One of her friends had told her about the church and she really enjoyed to food and companionship.
- The movie Wally which so many stayed to watch.
- Cindy staying to the very end to help make sure what needed to get done was done.
- I give thanks for you who are reading these ramblings,
- A sense of happy exhaustion as I locked the doors and drove home with unused food to take the Great Grace Center of hope tomorrow for one more day of Thanks Giving on this journey of Thanksliving.
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights reserved
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Eve of Thanksgiving
I am Grateful for:
- The question "What would happen if you woke up this morning and all you had was what you thanked God for yesterday?" ~Martha Creek
- Being able to laugh at myself. I was cracking three eggs to scramble for breakfast, the first two were uneventful; crack an egg on the edge of sink and deposit in bowl. The last egg, I cracked and promptly deposited into the sink. I looked down at the egg and started to laugh, belly laugh. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.Thank You God for laughter and not taking things too seriously.
- Remembering to check my medications and order the refills
- Having a dishwasher
- the ability to change my current focus quickly
- Beautiful drive to my brother Matt's home
- a sweet Thanksgiving Eve service this evening
- The opportunity to preach
- amazing coworkers
- knowing when it is time to go to bed.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Grateful to Be & Happy Birthday to Me
- Thank You God for this fifty sixth anniversary of my birth into our world. It has been an amazing ride so far and I feel like we are just getting to know each other and I am starting to get the hang of it. Thank You for the Life of me. Your life expressing in, through and as me. I give myself back to you. What is my role this coming year? How do I add value to the souls who cross my path? I love you Love! Looking forward to the second half. I am living in a state of Grace ...
- Fifty Six Years and approx 9 months ago in an impulse of divine creativity via my parents passion I was conceived.
- The flowers Cindy brought me and her ongoing friendship and support
- 20,440 brand new days so far in this lifetime.
- Martha Creek's friendship and mentoring.
- Scrambled eggs
- An awesome outpouring of Love on Facebook today.
- Great eye exam this morning
- Finding 5 people to take part in our faces of RU Video project
- Getting the shopping done for our Thanksgiving Dinner
- The reawakening desire to be in a relationship
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights are reserved.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Gratitude Journal Day 15
Things I am grateful for today:
- Enjoying the last day of my 55th year.
- My Droid powered Samsung Galaxy S 4G Phone
- Awesome neighbors: Fred & Alice
- Having my folding chairs home after 1 1/2 years
- Finishing the Order of Service for Thanksgiving Eve
- Topic and ideas for my Christmas Day message
- The radio in my car
- The Angry Birds game
- Finding my blue tooth ear piece.
- Successfully avoiding Christmas carols being played way too early for my taste.
- Three amazing nieces: Ashley, Alicia & Jordan.
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights reserved
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Second Grateful Week!
Today, my heart is happy about:
![]() |
From my friends at http://www.fellowshipfortoday.org/ |
- An Awesome Youth of Unity bake sale today
- Cake auction success and fun, who knew I could be an auctioneer?
- The Interfaith Center for Racial Justice annual Interfaith Thanksgiving service this afternoon.
- Being invited to share as a part of a Prayer Forum at Fellowship for Today.
- The marvelous way everything turned out around the Flute Concert which I had not properly entered in my calendar. Cindy, April & Kathy had a good time and the day was not wrecked for my friend.
- Meeting author Sal Sapienza and his partner Gregg Smith
- The idea that Mark Fuss would ask Sal to make sure to get me to the next GLBT retreat at Unity Village
- The energy & friendship of Brad Miller
- Realizing more and more that life is a process of prayerful awareness and fun!
- A beautiful, just over an hour, drive home from Fellowship For Today last night.
- Great conversation with my sister-in-law Stephanie.
- The happy glow I feel as I reflect on the activities of this day.
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights reserved
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Grateful on this Thirteenth Day
Today, I am deeply grateful for:
- You
- Going out for breakfast on Saturday morning.
- Taking a morning nap just because.
- The song "Firework" by Katy Perry.
- High speed internet access at home
- Being able to visit my Mom and tell/show her how much I love her.
- Having learned how to cook & bake from my mother and both grandmothers as I grew up.
- An ongoing love affair with Life that has served me so well for almost 40 years.
- Reading Rev. Troy Perry's book "The Lord is my Shepherd and He know's I'm Gay" back in the early 70's which allowed the small god of my childhood to shatter, revealing a larger reality.
- Giving up trying to get stuff because I know that I have everything I need.
- Going through my Grandmother Miller's recipes.
- Baking her Fresh Apple Cake
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights reserved.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Twelfth Day of Gratefulness
New Year 2005 trip to Anchorage, Alaska |
On this Twelfth Day of Gratefulness, I am thinking of:
- Being up and awake to see this mornings glorious blue, purple, lavender sunrise.
- Having Friday's off
- Being part of a spiritual community that accepts and celebrates me as I am.
- Waking up with the car in the driveway
- My awesome neighbor Danny who mulched all the leaves in my yard.
- Buckwheat pancakes
- Fond memories of my last really went somewhere vacation to Anchorage Alaska in January of 2005.
- Not having to replenish coolant before every trip in my car.
- Not being concerned when the Warren PD pulled me over to check my ID (they thought I was someone with a warrant, NOT)
- Lots of projects to work on which prevents boredom.
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie, all rights are reserved.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Attitude of Gratitude Day 11
I will not drop my leaves just because the others have. |
Be Yourself
- Albert Einstein quotations which seem to capture the essence of spirituality and science.
- The ability to imagine something different
- Watching a huge flock of Canada geese waking up and beginning to graze, gaining strength for the journey south.
- Dear friend Liz who touches my heart so deeply with her kindness.
- This tree on my street which still is arrayed in fabulous fall finery while all the others have dropped their leaves and have slipped into winter mode.
- Getting a new high score in Zuma Blitz
- Hazelnut flavored creamer for my coffee
- Electricity
- Insurance is rewritten and in for the cabin (hooray!) my sister and brothers and I have.
- The ability to celebrate myself and to decide what that means as I choose.
- Memories of my grandma Ledger watching the geese leave for the season. It was hard for her to stop feeding them so that they would head south.
- Telephone conference call technology that lets me attend a meeting when I am not able to be present in person.
- Car repaired for approx. $150 less that estimated!!
- The winter coat I could barely zip up last year fits wonderfully.
Copyright (c) 2011 by Richard L. Beattie
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