Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Day 25 - I Give Thanks For ...

My current gratitude practice is to share at least 10 things for which I am grateful for each day without repetition.

Today, I give thanks for:
  1. A working furnace on this frigid day where the high is forecast to be 18°.
  2. The soothing effects of hot homemade soup.
  3. Being able to work at home and nurse my bronchitis.
  4. Conversation with Rev. Greg Coles about a subregional Board training that URO is hosting in April of 2020.
  5. Fast internet service.
  6. My recliner.
  7. Not having to leave the house for anything today.
  8. A large cup of hot tea.
  9. Adding a fresh bag to the one in the cup and more hot water - something my mom died all afternoon and it makes me think of her.
  10. The way the warm cup feels in my hand
  11. Sweat pants and a sweatshirt as a work-at-home uniform.
  12. Hanging up the wreath and turning it on.

Light & Love,


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