Today, I give thanks for:
- This incredible poem, The Mood of Christmas by Howard Thurman
- Ashley helping me get a load of old computer carcasses ready to take to SOCRA.
- Finally being able to dispose of approximately 3 years of used insulin syringes (sealed in the proper waste containers.)
- The fact that Rochester Hills now participates in SOCRA.
- The two attendants at SOCRA totally emptied out the car full of stuff for recycling.
- The sheer number of people at the Recycling Center.
- A very helpful deli clerk at Kroger who helped me determine how many feet of submarine sandwich we need for Sunday.
- My very portable Chromebook convertible tablet which makes note-taking easy.
- Meeting with LD Phillip's family in Lake Orion to plan his funeral for Saturday morning.
- A sense of accomplishment at getting a lot done today. Each load of stuff I haul out makes the entire house seem lighter.

Christmas continues ...